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What Is the Difference Between Petty Theft and Grand Theft?

Learn the differences between grand theft and petty theft in Florida law and how The Law Office of Daniel J. Fernandez, P.A. can help you.

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Understanding the Impact of Recent Theft Sentencing Reforms in Florida

In a significant move for Florida’s criminal justice system, Governor Ron DeSantis has approved essential changes to felony theft sentencing. This legislative reform, a pivotal step towards modernizing our legal approach, involves raising the felony theft threshold from the previous $300 to $750. This update, spearheaded by Governor DeSantis, is the first of its kind in over three decades and reflects a more contemporary understanding of the value of property and crime severity.

What Does This Change in Theft Threshold Mean?

The concept of a theft threshold plays a crucial role in distinguishing between petty theft and grand theft. Previously, any property theft over $300 was categorized as a felony, potentially leading to severe consequences like a 5-year prison sentence, a hefty fine up to $5,000, and loss of certain rights, including firearm possession. The repercussions extend beyond legal penalties, impacting one’s ability to secure employment or housing. It’s essential to recognize that even with the updated threshold, theft remains a serious offense in Florida.

Grand Theft vs. Petty Theft: Navigating the Legal Landscape

Under the new Florida law, grand theft is now defined as the theft of property worth $750 or more. This reclassification is crucial as it affects how theft cases are prosecuted and the potential penalties involved. In contrast, petty theft—theft of property under $750—is considered a misdemeanor, with comparatively lesser consequences. However, it is crucial to understand that even petty theft is a criminal charge that can lead to jail time.

The Role of a Criminal Defense Attorney in Theft Cases

If you’re facing theft charges, the distinction between petty and grand theft can significantly impact your case. At The Law Office of Daniel J. Fernandez, P.A., we specialize in providing expert legal guidance and defense in theft cases. Our deep understanding of Florida’s theft laws and the recent changes ensures that our clients receive the most informed and effective defense strategies.

Thief Stealing Wallet From Girl's Bag In Park, Cropped, Closeup

Why Daniel J. Fernandez, P.A. is the Best Choice

Our firm, led by experienced Tampa criminal defense attorney Daniel J. Fernandez, is dedicated to navigating the complexities of theft cases. We understand the nuances of both petty and grand theft charges and work tirelessly to protect your rights and seek the best possible outcome. If you or a loved one is dealing with theft charges, it’s imperative to have a skilled defense attorney on your side.

Contact Us for Expert Legal Assistance

The Law Office of Daniel J. Fernandez, P.A. is committed to providing top-tier legal assistance in theft cases. Whether you’re facing charges of petty theft or grand theft, our team is here to guide you through the legal process and advocate for your rights.

For legal assistance with a theft charge, don’t hesitate to reach out to Tampa criminal defense attorney Daniel J. Fernandez at 813-229-5353. Let us help you navigate these challenging times with our expertise and dedication.

Picture of Daniel J. Fernandez

Daniel J. Fernandez

Tampa Criminal Defense Attorney Daniel J. Fernandez defends individuals charged with a misdemeanor and felony criminal offenses throughout the Tampa Bay area and the State of Florida.

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